Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matt 28:19-20

St. John’s Lutheran has been involved in supporting several mission projects:
Several groups from our congregation have traveled to Lithuania to help Lutheran churches there rebuild. Under Soviet occupation, many of their church buildings were demolished and damaged, and others were seized. That occupation ended in 1990. Groups of workers from Hubbard went to Lithuania to do projects with congregations in need of rebuilding. Early in our support, the Lithuanian economy was weak and the people had little money to finance their own construction needs. Our workers came with funds to buy building materials and did the work on various construction projects. Their economy is now stronger and the congregations are more self-sufficient. Our partnership with the ELCL (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania) churches there was a great blessing to us. They taught us what it means to be Christians living under persecution and how the loss of materials goods and property does not mean the end of the church. Christ preserved His people throughout their years of Soviet harassment. We are thankful for the friendships we made through our years of involvement with the Lutherans there. View photos and more information about our Lithuania mission here.
Our congregation has been blessed to help Lutherans in Kenya. The Arch-bishop of the ELCK (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya), Joseph Omolo, has visited our congregation numerous times. We have helped raise funds for orphans through Hope for the Destitute and in financing houses for widows. We have also send financial support to the ELCK seminary. Support for Arch-bishop Omolo and the ELCK is a regular part of our congregation’s budget. View more information about our Africa mission here.
One of our former vicars, Rev. Aaron Spratt, is now a pastor in Juneau, Alaska. He is supported by Alaska Mission for Christ. Pastor Spratt hosted a group from our congregation in 2019 to do some painting and repair work in the church in Juneau. We look forward to future projects in Alaska with the hope of advancing the work of Christ among those who have limited access to the Gospel. View photos and more information about our Alaska mission here.
Our pastor has also been privileged to travel overseas and teach theology for a number of different churches. He has lectured on ethics at the seminary in Novosibersk, Russia and for a pastor’s conference in Lithuania. He was invited to give a 3-day sermon workshop in Odessa, Ukraine for the Lutheran Church in Ukraine. Most recently, he spent a week in Taiwan traveling between locations giving presentations on sexual ethics. Our congregation remains thankful for the partnership with other Lutherans that we have been blessed to experience. Getting to travel and meet with other Lutherans the world over has shown us how much we share in common and how much God’s Word of life in Christ unites us.